First Nations Environment
The histories of the First
Nations peoples are
fundamentally connected to the
physical identity of Canada.
The vastness and variety of
Canada's climates, ecology,
vegetation, fauna, and landforms separate, join, and define ancient peoples, as implicitly as cultural or linguistic divisions.
Canada is surrounded north, east, and west with coastline and since the last ice age Canada has consisted of several distinct forest
regions. Adaptability is the essential component for survival within these demanding environments. Historic geographical models and
population estimates are supplemented by oral histories, archaeological and anthropological evidence to derive knowledge of First Nations
dwellings, food sources, and technology. Understanding how a people survived within their environment proves their environment provide
a greater insight into their history.
B.C's First Nations have a close connection with the environment. Their society and culture reflects centuries of living in harmony with
nature and respect for all living creatures. We would do well to incorporate aboriginal values into our own guiding principles for B.C's
economic and social development.
Canasia acknowledges what the First Nations people of North Western British Columbia have always understood – that the riches of the
forests can continue to be enjoyed by present and future generations only if all stakeholders are committed to the principles of
sustainability and integrated management.